I've had Tivo for about two weeks now, and it is great. We got a reconditioned box in exchange for paying for one year's service (A deal that has since expired. I'll try and alert you of deals while they are still good next time). Of course, I am watching a lot more tv, which I haven't decided if it is a good thing yet. I at least don't have to fight with the girls as much over the tv. Now I can watch Family Guy and Good Eats at my own convenience, but the best part is finding the gems that come on when no one should be watching tv. I mean really, who knew Bosom Buddies come on the weekends at 6AM on TBS?
(Incidentally, BosomBuddies.com is a site full of informative breastfeeding info. Just thought you should know)
I'm not sure if the fact that the show is still on that's weird, or that you're actually recording it...
Sweet...I was looking for a new breast pump.
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