Monday, January 12, 2009


Has it already been a month since I've last post? (Or, "I haven't post since last year!", as my 9 year old would point out) Time has a way of going by quickly, especially this time of year. What have I been up to, you made ask? Well, let me tell you....

Made a trip to sample the renowned "preggo pizza." It was basically a combo pizza with extra onion and extra garlic. Alas, it didn't work so well for Brittany. It did give me some crazy breath and heartburn, so it's not without it's powers...

Tilden Merry Go Round
Christmas time at the Merry Go Round at Tilden Park. Always festive and a kid favorite. Those are some good looking kids...

AC Christmas 2008
Christmas also means the annual AC Christmas spectacular. Always seem to grow bigger every year. I guess I have a lot to do with that...

Christmas present Opening Chaos
Christmas also means lots of stops to see family and bunch of presents for the kids. Kids love to open presents, dad hates trying to find room for it all. (Some ends up getting donated. Don't tell the girls!)

New Year's toast
And we brought in 2009 with a little quiet celebration at home. Sara is holding cider, I swear. She just looks funny because she was determined to stay up until midnight....

That's about it. You know, probably what all of you did this time of year....

Oh yeah, I forgot. There was the thing about Brittany giving birth to our new daughter...

Born Dec 23rd, Audrey Suzanne Kwong has made quite a splashed in all of our lives. She keeps us pretty busy too! (In a good way, of course)

Look at the hair!
Mommy and baby are doing very well. They do each other's hair...

Lion King Pose
We re-enact Disney movies... ("Circle of Life!!.....")

New Year's celebration!
And we celebrated the New Year together.

Family of Five!
Family of Five...That's going to take some getting used to.

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