Official Google Reader Blog: Powering Down Google Reader
So sad. I've been such a faithful user of GReader, and I assume the 3 of the 4 of you reading this is in GReader right now. Not the most elegant, especially by today's standards, but it did its job of helping me keep up with my favorite sites. Now the search for a replacement begins.. and to figure out how to export my carefully curated Reader subscriptions....
Haha, I did read this from my google reader feed. I am also on the hunt. I'm thinking feedly, or maybe old reader. I don't use any of the bells and whistles, so I just want it to keep up with the blogs I read in one place.
I'm leaning towards Feedly for now too. They do all look fancy. I hear about some projects that will as closely replicate Google Reader as possible, so maybe something better will come along...
let me know what you find!
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