Thursday, May 05, 2005

Cinco de Mayo

As I type this, I am watching a news report on TV of a riot going on about a mile from my house. Apparently, tequila and Coronas beat out green beer on the ethnic partying scale. I also learned that both St. Patrick's Day and Cinco de Mayo are more Americanized holidays than anything else. In their native countries, the people don't really give a hoot.

This week started out looking like it was going to be good, but unfortunately...

- I've been sick for the past few days. I think I shared it with Sara, but she is a lot better while I am not. I think it's a chest cold or something, but I'm never sure because I am not sick very often...

- It's kind of a short week at work this week. Friday is Employee Appreciation day and we are having a catered lunch (turns out it's salads from Fresh Choice and cold cut platters from Costco - whoopee). The threat of rain might move this from a nearby park to the cramp break room at work...bummer.

- Most people at work are also speculating that we get to leave work early after this lunch. The chances also decrease if we are still at the office...

- A co-worker invited me to the Giants-Nationals game tomorrow night. Fireworks night AND KNBR night...threat of rain puts all of this in jeopardy as well...

- After much debate, we decided to celebrate Mother's Day with our first barbecue of the is also expected to rain on Sunday.

I'll go with April showers, but this is ruining a perfectly good week.

In related news, the weather just pleasant for rioting. Bring your own rocks and bottles...

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